Leon is turning 4 this coming March and I'm proud to say that in spite his age, he already knows to tidy his stuff, I can see the start of an OC person in him...not really sure though if this will turn out okay when he's grown up...What makes me very proud lately is the fact that he is able to do chores on his own initiative. On his third straight day today, he sweeps our front yard. He does this every morning after leading Daddy off to work. And he's having fun doing it. Such an OC guys because even the smallest piece of rubbish will not slip his sweeping ability. We never forced him to do the chore, he's doing it on his own will. One day he just went out, got the broom and dustpan and started sweeping.
As for me, I've started segregating our old stuff --- clothes, shoes and toys --- and was able to donate a few already. There's still plenty to do since my main goal is for us to have enough storage space for the new ones.
more of Mommies share at Mommy Moments, visit us here, you may join the fun, too! ;)
I am participating in the 2011 Mommytography 365 Project! For this year long project I will be posting an image a day, to get me out shooting, using my camera and learning new things with it daily. Anyone interested in photography can join, no need to be a Mommytographer. We have teens to adults, male and female, as well as people from all over the world. Come join the fun!
wow! this is quite unique for a boy :) you are blessed to have him... congratulations!
thanks Chris!
I don't stop or encourage him on this, though I express my appreciation with the things he does...a good training huh :D and a good reflection of how we're bringing him up (wink)
your Leon is adorable...congrats for having such lovely kids :)
just followed this blog :)
wow! good little boy you got there, mommy! keep it up, Leon!
leon so cute trying to walis..
and Maia so adorable..
visiting you from mommy moments..
hope you can vist me too..
heres mine..
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